Otoacoustic Emission Test

Otoacoustic emissions testing in Lahore

The otoacoustic emissions testing evaluates the inner ear’s response to sound, serving as a key aspect of cochlear function assessment in Lahore. Primarily performed on infants and young children, this test holds significant value for individuals who are unable to participate in behavioral hearing assessments due to their age.


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Methodology for otoacoustic emissions testing and cochlear function assessment in Lahore

How the Test is Performed

  • Otoacoustic emissions testing is not painful and many babies sleep right through it. Small probes are placed in the ear. One delivers sound and the other is a microphone. If the cochlea is functioning properly it should echo in response to the sound. 1 There are four types of sounds that the cochlea produces:
  • Spontaneous Acoustic Emissions Emanating spontaneously from the cochlea, these sounds emerge independently of external auditory stimuli. This phenomenon is observed in around 40-50 percent of individuals possessing normal hearing.
  • transient otoacoustic emissions triggered by transient stimuli, these emissions arise as a response to short-duration sounds like clicks or tone-bursts. They are frequently employed to assess hearing in infants, constituting a vital component of comprehensive cochlear function assessment in Lahore. 
  • Distortion product otoacoustic emissions – produced in response to two simultaneous tones of different frequencies. These are particularly useful in detecting damage to the cochlea early on (for example damage to the cochlea from ototoxicity or noise-induced damage).
  • Sustained – frequency otoacoustic emissions – produced in response to a continuous tone. These are not typically used in the clinical setting.

Otoacoustic Emissions Testing
Advantages of Cochlear Function Assessment

Advantages of Cochlear Function Assessment in Lahore

The application of cochlear function assessment  in Lahore offers a multitude of advantages in comprehending auditory well-being. Particularly advantageous for infants and young children who may encounter difficulties with otoacoustic emissions testing, this approach offers non-intrusive insights into the response of the inner ear to sound. By employing this methodology to evaluate cochlear health, potential concerns can be identified at an early stage, facilitating timely interventions for optimal auditory development. Moreover, the OAE test serves as a valuable tool for individuals across diverse age groups, enhancing the accuracy of hearing evaluations and contributing to a holistic comprehension of auditory health.

Why Choose Us?

Our approach to Cochlear Function Assessment in Lahore stands distinct from any previous experiences you may have encountered. To begin, our medical experts meticulously ascertain the absence of ear infections or allergies prior to commencing the procedure. A comprehensive delve into your medical history is conducted, aiming to execute a successful procedure while mitigating any potential risks.

Our commitment extends to aligning with the intricacies and sensitivity of the treated area. To this end, we’ve assembled a masterful and well-prepared team, armed with substantial experience in handling auditory perspectives.

Compared to traditional methods like ear syringing, we offer superior and effective ear wax removal. Our focus on your well-being is exemplified by our approach to safeguard sensitive areas from direct exposure, effectively eliminating the risk of infection.

Experience the difference in our otoacoustic emissions testing your well-being prioritized from start to finish.


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What is Otoacoustic Emissions Testing?

A small earphone, or probe, is placed in your ear. The probe puts sounds into your ear and measures the sounds that come back. You do not need to do or say anything during the test. The person doing the test can see the results on the monitor screen.

What is an otoacoustic test?

The OAE (Otoacoustic Emissions) test checks part of the inner ear’s response to sound. The test is mostly done on infants and children who may not be able to respond to behavioral hearing tests because of their age.

What does a present OAE tell us?

First, a present OAE tells us that the conductive mechanism of the ear is functioning properly. This includes proper forward and reverse transmission, no blockage of the external auditory canal, normal tympanic membrane movement, and a functioning impedance matching system.

What does OAEs measure?

The otoacoustic emission test (OAE) measures hair cell function in the inner ear. An emission refers to the sound generated within the normal cochlea of the ear in response to stimulation. OAE testing is used for a number of reasons, including screening of infants and other special populations.

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